This was 29.8 percent more than the quarter before, when 890 professional licenses expired.
Phoenix had the most expiring professional licenses of cities within Maricopa County.
More than 99 percent of Arizona's businesses are considered small with more than 40 percent of Arizona employees working for a small business, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration.
A study by Civic Economics found $100 spent at a locally-owned business, puts $43 back into the local economy while the total is just $13 for non-local businesses.
Licenses which expired in cities within Maricopa County during Q4 2022
License Holder | License Type | Lapse Date | Issued Date |
Aaron Mendez | Barber | 2022-12-28 | 2020-04-06 |
Abbie Marie Snyder | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2020-02-05 |
Abigail M.S. Barnes | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2021-07-15 |
Adam Deline Hahs | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2015-06-17 |
Adam Grant Schaeffer | Occupational Therapist | 2022-11-11 | 2002-11-12 |
Adam L. Fried | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2016-11-21 |
Adam Lee Stahl | Registered Trainee Appraiser | 2022-11-03 | 2016-11-03 |
Adrian Ruelas | Barber | 2022-12-19 | 2020-04-08 |
Adrianna Trujillo | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2019-12-04 |
Adrianne Gallucci-Breithaupt | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2004-12-20 |
Adrienne Litwiller | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2017-08-16 |
Afroza Ahmed | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2015-12-16 |
Akayla Marie Dolezal | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-10-25 | 2022-07-27 |
Albert V. Pamiroyan | Certified Residential Appraiser | 2022-12-31 | 1994-12-12 |
Alexander Johnson | Barber | 2022-12-14 | 2012-08-07 |
Alexander Pember Hazen | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2020-03-19 |
Alexandra Ray Pleasant | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2017-03-28 |
Alexis Katrien Vanfleet | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-12-21 | 2022-09-22 |
Alexis Nichole Boglio | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2012-08-27 |
Alice M. Parker | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2018-12-05 |
Alicia M. Montalvo | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-11-06 | 2022-08-08 |
Alicia Tapia Gutierrez | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2019-11-06 |
Alina Aurelia Ghiorghiu | Assisted Living Facility Manager - Temporary | 2022-10-06 | 2022-07-22 |
Allison Marie Russell | Athletic Trainer | 2022-11-03 | 2019-11-04 |
Allison N.D. Faris Psy. | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2021-05-14 |
Amber M. Monroy | Barber | 2022-10-29 | 2009-08-31 |
Andrea Kay Smith-Gray | Optometrist | 2022-10-25 | 2020-11-30 |
Andres Navarro | Barber | 2022-10-04 | 2016-06-17 |
Andrew Castillo | Barber | 2022-12-04 | 2016-04-05 |
Angela Marie Breitmeyer | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2012-03-12 |
Angela Morales | Barber | 2022-11-19 | 2014-12-10 |
Angelica Monique Hernandez | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2019-09-24 |
Anisa Nichole Williams | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2014-10-24 |
Anne E. McGill | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2006-07-24 |
Annette M. Walker | Occupational Therapy Assistant | 2022-11-16 | 2008-11-17 |
Anthony J. Redmond | Barber | 2022-12-16 | 2007-12-24 |
Antonio Flores | Barber | 2022-10-30 | 2020-02-05 |
April Marie Chaires | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2017-11-09 |
Arleth Lizeth Lopez Ramirez | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-12-15 | 2022-09-16 |
Armando G. Solares | Barber | 2022-10-20 | 2002-02-06 |
Ashlee D. Donaldson | Certified Residential Appraiser | 2022-10-31 | 2008-10-03 |
Ashley Jean Gentry | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-10-17 | 2022-07-19 |
Ashley Maria Luzinski | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2017-09-15 |
Ashley Marie Katers | Occupational Therapist | 2022-12-16 | 2018-12-17 |
Ashton Kristine Keisling | Occupational Therapist | 2022-12-13 | 2020-12-14 |
Aubree Aynn Begay-Houston | Athletic Trainer | 2022-10-06 | 2019-10-07 |
Aynsley Danielle Babinski | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2019-10-11 |
Baiba Pina | Barber | 2022-10-03 | 2020-06-18 |
Barbara J. Prince | Barber | 2022-12-30 | 1977-08-12 |
Bernabe G. Garcia Sr. | Barber Instructor | 2022-10-26 | 1995-08-16 |
Bilianna Deleon | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-11-08 | 2022-08-10 |
Blaine Christopher Griffin | Barber | 2022-11-01 | 2019-12-10 |
Blake M. Reece | Barber | 2022-11-20 | 2017-12-18 |
Boaz L. Alvarado | Barber | 2022-11-21 | 2007-12-07 |
Bonnie Sweet Parsons | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 1982-06-23 |
Boris Mullayev | Barber | 2022-12-06 | 2005-10-13 |
Bradley H. White | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2003-11-12 |
Bradley Lorin Rubin | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2010-05-11 |
Bradley Millman | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2018-12-11 |
Brandi D. Luedtke Psy. | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2021-11-22 |
Brandon Mischal | Barber | 2022-11-05 | 2019-12-11 |
Brenna Lynn Gonzales | Auricular Acupuncturist | 2022-10-31 | 2018-10-26 |
Brian D. Gross | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 1998-09-17 |
Brian M. McDonald | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2014-04-21 |
Brian Thomas Finland | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-27 |
Brianne J. Butcher | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2011-10-07 |
Brittney Hartman | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2019-11-04 |
Brooke MacKenzie Blakeman | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2019-07-22 |
Bruce N. Bueno | Barber | 2022-11-14 | 1999-10-07 |
Bryan T.D. Gastelle Psy. | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2021-06-10 |
Bryanna Bocanegra | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-10-31 | 2022-08-02 |
Cailin McCollough Ockert | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2013-12-10 |
Callie Yan Andrews | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-11-15 | 2022-08-17 |
Camille A. Garza | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2002-03-22 |
Caren J. Oberstein | Occupational Therapist | 2022-10-15 | 1992-03-11 |
Carley M.S. Nelson-Smith | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2021-07-15 |
Carlos Duarte | Barber | 2022-11-05 | 2020-04-08 |
Carlos Nuño | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2015-10-29 |
Carly Jo Glazier-Kersavage | Occupational Therapist | 2022-10-06 | 2020-10-07 |
Carolyn J.D. Brown Psy. | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2021-01-21 |
Catherine Asber Lowrey | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2016-03-23 |
Celice Korsten | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2011-08-10 |
Celine D. McNelis Ed. | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2021-07-15 |
Chandelle Jane Erbey | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-11-16 | 2022-08-18 |
Charles Jay House | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 1991-12-06 |
Chasity Sezate | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2017-12-15 |
Chaynee Frances Tabet | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2021-09-09 |
Cheyenne Hunter Varga | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-11-22 | 2022-08-24 |
Christina Marie Figueroa | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2020-01-14 |
Christina R. McShane | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2018-02-08 |
Christine J. Carlos | Assisted Living Facility Manager | 2022-12-16 | 2017-01-19 |
Christine M. Matschke | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2017-10-24 |
Christine Terrillion | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2013-03-18 |
Christopher J. Uber | Licensed Residential Appraiser | 2022-12-31 | 2019-01-30 |
Christopher Lozano | Barber | 2022-10-07 | 2016-04-05 |
Christopher Martinez | Barber | 2022-11-07 | 2012-04-24 |
Cindy L. Lewis | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2001-09-17 |
Cindy Payan | Barber | 2022-10-05 | 2013-11-27 |
Clara Lopez | Barber | 2022-10-08 | 2011-08-03 |
Clinton Schmal | Barber | 2022-11-23 | 2015-12-08 |
Colton Robert Carnahan | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2018-09-07 |
Coral Hallgath | Barber | 2022-12-21 | 2018-04-04 |
Corey Patrick Dunlop | Optometrist | 2022-10-23 | 2020-06-03 |
Craydon D. McDonald | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 1993-08-14 |
Dale Kevin Armstrong | Property Tax Agent | 2022-12-20 | 1990-12-20 |
Dana Lee Dalgleish Ph.D. | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2020-05-13 |
Daneal Keryakoos | Barber | 2022-12-18 | 2020-04-08 |
Daniel James Gaughan | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 1977-12-03 |
Daniel Lawrence Schulte | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2003-12-09 |
Daniel Ramos Rocha | Barber | 2022-10-01 | 2020-09-30 |
Daniela Montano | Barber | 2022-10-25 | 2004-02-26 |
Danielle H. Hernandez | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2007-02-22 |
Daria Mayberry | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2017-10-27 |
David Andrew Weinberg | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2019-05-01 |
David M. Bitzkowski | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 1986-12-01 |
David Michael Yee | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2013-10-22 |
David Owen Joslyn | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2019-07-19 |
David Pinkhasov | Barber | 2022-12-16 | 2002-09-03 |
David R. Engstrom | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 1993-03-25 |
David R. Manuel | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-10-10 | 2022-07-12 |
David Yakubov | Barber | 2022-12-10 | 2016-04-05 |
Deanna Wade | Barber | 2022-12-01 | 2018-01-24 |
Deborah A. Newsom | Occupational Therapist | 2022-10-20 | 2020-10-21 |
Deborah L. Bailey | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 1992-06-19 |
Debra S. Joseph | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2001-05-22 |
Denis Junc | Licensed Residential Appraiser | 2022-11-30 | 2020-12-10 |
Dennis J. Robinson | Optometrist | 2022-10-22 | 2010-01-20 |
Devon L. Blackwood | Barber | 2022-12-26 | 2020-07-24 |
Diana Patricia Gonzalez | Barber | 2022-10-18 | 2018-10-02 |
Dianne M. Bobb | Certified Residential Appraiser | 2022-12-31 | 2006-12-20 |
Donald J. Fuller | Athletic Trainer | 2022-10-01 | 2017-10-02 |
Donald L. Adams | Barber | 2022-12-20 | 1980-06-13 |
Donald R. Durham | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 1991-06-14 |
Donald R. Townsend | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2016-03-14 |
Donna H.L. Jackson Ac. | Acupuncturist | 2022-10-31 | 2017-10-25 |
Donna L. Robinson | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2010-02-18 |
Dora H. Delgadillo | Barber | 2022-10-16 | 2003-11-03 |
Doris A. Mah | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 1979-06-07 |
Dru W. Meskan | Barber | 2022-11-03 | 2016-06-01 |
Edel Anthony Ubario | Barber | 2022-10-28 | 2020-04-08 |
Eduardo Fernandes | Barber | 2022-11-05 | 2013-10-29 |
Eileen M.S. Dael | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2021-06-10 |
Elaine M.S. Helton | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2019-08-01 |
Elizabeth Ann Shepherd | Occupational Therapist | 2022-12-12 | 2004-12-13 |
Elmer Bolanos | Barber | 2022-10-25 | 2012-06-06 |
Elvia Gonzalez | Barber | 2022-11-14 | 2006-04-24 |
Elyse Marie Lafarelle | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2017-08-18 |
Emigdio Napoleon Morazan | Registered Trainee Appraiser | 2022-10-23 | 2019-10-23 |
Emily Fanno | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-10-12 | 2022-07-14 |
Emily Kay Bell | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2015-08-10 |
Enoc Hernandez V | Barber Instructor | 2022-11-06 | 2002-12-03 |
Eric Biscoglio | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2016-08-04 |
Eric Leif Risberg | Certified General Appraiser | 2022-11-30 | 2020-12-29 |
Erica B. Skepnek | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2011-05-17 |
Erik Luna | Barber | 2022-11-13 | 2011-12-09 |
Erika S. Neuberg | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 1994-12-06 |
Erin Alicia Rivera | Assisted Living Facility Manager - Temporary | 2022-10-12 | 2022-06-21 |
Erin K. Testa | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2015-09-28 |
Esther Amalia Rosa | Occupational Therapist | 2022-10-18 | 2020-10-19 |
Ewelina M. Strnad | Certified Residential Appraiser | 2022-10-31 | 2018-11-15 |
Fernando Munive | Barber | 2022-12-15 | 2000-04-27 |
Francia Izmir Day | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2018-02-09 |
Francine Lynn Sapp-Brake | Assisted Living Facility Manager - Temporary | 2022-11-03 | 2022-06-09 |
Francisco Cruz | Barber | 2022-12-22 | 2018-02-07 |
Freddy Martinez | Barber | 2022-11-01 | 2008-02-07 |
Fredy Gonzalez | Barber | 2022-11-04 | 2013-08-06 |
Gabrielle Miller | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-10-31 | 2022-08-02 |
Gary R. Pesek | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2015-03-06 |
Georgees W. Khoshaba | Barber | 2022-11-08 | 2020-09-30 |
Gilberto A. Flores | Barber | 2022-12-06 | 2015-12-08 |
Gina Lynn Reyes | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2020-03-20 |
Gina Marie Norris | Occupational Therapist | 2022-11-19 | 1997-05-12 |
Gloria Marie Gigliotti | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2019-09-20 |
Griffin Elijah Luxford | Registered Trainee Appraiser | 2022-12-17 | 2019-12-17 |
Guramritpal S. Dhott | Optometrist | 2022-10-26 | 2014-06-20 |
Gustavo A. Perez | Barber | 2022-12-06 | 2015-12-08 |
Harry Robert Lewis | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-12-14 | 2022-09-15 |
Hector R. Gutierrez | Barber | 2022-12-13 | 2020-06-24 |
Hieu Vo | Barber | 2022-12-08 | 2018-02-08 |
Hilda E. Delao | Barber | 2022-12-19 | 2004-06-11 |
Holly C. Montgomery | Occupational Therapy Assistant | 2022-11-05 | 2012-11-06 |
Ilya Sachakov | Licensed Residential Appraiser | 2022-12-31 | 2006-12-11 |
Ira Corona | Barber | 2022-12-03 | 2014-06-05 |
Isaac Manuel Martinez | Barber | 2022-10-27 | 2020-02-05 |
Isaak Coria | Barber | 2022-10-28 | 2016-02-24 |
Ivan Townsend | Barber | 2022-11-18 | 2020-02-05 |
Jacqueline G. Wolf | Certified Residential Appraiser | 2022-12-31 | 2006-12-22 |
Jahziel H. Munoz | Barber | 2022-11-21 | 2014-04-29 |
James A. Borst | Certified Residential Appraiser | 2022-10-31 | 2008-10-24 |
James E. Jones | Barber | 2022-11-20 | 2015-10-08 |
James L. Bludworth | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2008-10-08 |
James W. Hogan | Certified General Appraiser | 2022-10-31 | 2008-10-03 |
Jamie Lynn Jones | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2019-12-20 |
Jane H. Debrown | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 1991-06-14 |
Janet Chao | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 1987-06-12 |
Jarvis Anderson | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2020-06-02 |
Jason Andrew McBurnie | Optometrist | 2022-11-05 | 2019-07-15 |
Jason J. Caldwell L.AC. | Acupuncturist | 2022-12-31 | 2015-12-16 |
Jason Robert Needham | Occupational Therapy Assistant | 2022-12-13 | 2020-12-14 |
Jayde M.A. Taylor Fristam | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2021-12-14 |
Jayne Hilma Epstein | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 1978-04-01 |
Jeanie Marie Fairchild | Occupational Therapist | 2022-10-20 | 2020-10-21 |
Jearl Levi Frye | Registered Trainee Appraiser | 2022-10-11 | 2019-10-11 |
Jeffrey David Meyer | Registered Trainee Appraiser | 2022-11-05 | 2019-11-05 |
Jeffrey Kenneth Zeig | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 1978-11-17 |
Jenna M. Rae Laibe Ed. | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2021-01-21 |
Jennifer Kaye Paweleck-Bellingrodt | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2003-12-17 |
Jennifer Leslie Oman | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2011-03-08 |
Jennifer Lynn Vandehey | Occupational Therapist | 2022-10-16 | 2018-10-17 |
Jennifer S. Siegel | Certified Residential Appraiser | 2022-12-31 | 2006-12-08 |
Jennifer Voreis Wethe | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2004-12-23 |
Jeremiah David James Isbell | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2017-09-08 |
Jeri Jo Fay | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2019-06-05 |
Jermaine Lynell Morgan | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2019-09-09 |
Jessica J. Powell | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2012-06-12 |
Jessica Smith | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2022-01-19 |
Jesus Rosas | Barber | 2022-12-20 | 2013-12-17 |
Joanne Wyss Gallagher | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 1979-10-19 |
Jody L. Blakely | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2013-10-31 |
Joel Rodriguez | Barber | 2022-10-07 | 2018-02-07 |
Johan Resendiz | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2020-09-16 |
John J. Leo | Certified General Appraiser | 2022-11-30 | 2020-12-01 |
John L. Slaughter | Certified Residential Appraiser | 2022-12-31 | 2006-12-04 |
John Rayis | Barber | 2022-12-21 | 2020-10-21 |
Jonathan J. Shelton | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2013-01-14 |
Jonathan Peter Mak | Athletic Trainer | 2022-11-04 | 2018-11-05 |
Jonathan Yamil Vega Cervantes | Barber | 2022-10-10 | 2020-06-24 |
Jonna L. Dunlap | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2006-10-24 |
Jordan Dayao | Occupational Therapy Assistant Limited License | 2022-10-16 | 2022-06-17 |
Jorge Luis Robles David | Barber | 2022-12-27 | 2020-02-05 |
Jose M. Galvan | Barber | 2022-12-30 | 2010-04-02 |
Jose Miguel Abreu | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2007-05-09 |
Jose Pacheco | Barber | 2022-10-23 | 2020-07-06 |
Joseph Charles Cashman | Registered Trainee Appraiser | 2022-11-25 | 2019-11-25 |
Josephine M.A. Lin | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2021-12-15 |
Joshua Thomas Ellis | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2019-09-05 |
Juan Meza | Barber | 2022-11-10 | 2009-04-22 |
Julian David Cruz | Registered Trainee Appraiser | 2022-10-23 | 2019-10-23 |
Julie A. Weston | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2007-09-21 |
Julie S.D. Edwards Psy. | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2021-11-18 |
Julie Walters | Athletic Trainer | 2022-12-13 | 2018-12-03 |
Julio Armando Ramirez | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2003-02-12 |
Junko M. Robin Johnson Ed. | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2019-10-09 |
Justin Del Prado | Registered Trainee Appraiser | 2022-10-24 | 2019-10-24 |
Justin William James | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2016-09-28 |
Kacie C. Tomerlin | Registered Trainee Appraiser | 2022-12-27 | 2016-12-27 |
Kaila Lyn Hadrick | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-11-15 | 2022-08-17 |
Kaitlin N. Jones | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2018-06-04 |
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Carter | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-10-17 | 2022-07-19 |
Kaitlyn Wittig V | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2018-05-16 |
Kameron Thomas Miller | Registered Trainee Appraiser | 2022-10-16 | 2019-10-16 |
Kandra Rae Wiseman | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2016-12-13 |
Karalyn Semenchuk | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2014-10-14 |
Karen E. Peterson | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2005-05-24 |
Karen Escalante Mancilla | Barber | 2022-12-06 | 2019-12-11 |
Karen M. Peterson | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2016-12-09 |
Karla A. Mueller-Schrader | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2006-08-16 |
Karlie Walkup | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-10-12 | 2022-07-14 |
Kathleen M. Panitz Ed. | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2021-01-20 |
Kathleen R. Finke | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2018-12-12 |
Kathleen S. Bailey Ph.D. | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2021-06-09 |
Katie L. Ostrovecky | Athletic Trainer | 2022-11-29 | 2021-11-30 |
Katie M. Que | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2015-05-05 |
Katterina Powers | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2016-03-08 |
Kayla Albert | Occupational Therapist | 2022-11-12 | 2018-11-13 |
Kayla Dunning | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2019-06-05 |
Kayla Lindsey Venezia | Athletic Trainer | 2022-12-30 | 2020-12-31 |
Keara Emerald Cheyenne Bogart | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-12-26 | 2022-09-27 |
Keith D. Reinhardt | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2018-08-13 |
Kelli Kathleen Riley | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2011-11-29 |
Kellie Band | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2014-04-08 |
Kellie Bynum | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2013-01-17 |
Kelly J. Bell | Certified Residential Appraiser | 2022-12-31 | 1991-12-06 |
Kelsey Ann Petersen | Occupational Therapy Assistant Limited License | 2022-12-14 | 2022-08-15 |
Kelvin T. Kimble | Barber | 2022-12-12 | 2002-07-10 |
Kendra Alaine Bauman | Occupational Therapist | 2022-10-14 | 2002-10-15 |
Kevin D. Hurley | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2010-12-16 |
Kevin German Orozco | Athletic Trainer | 2022-12-09 | 2020-07-01 |
Khaled Al Kurdi | Barber | 2022-11-06 | 2020-07-22 |
Kia A.D. Watkins Psy. | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-17 |
Kiernan Connor Gilbert | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2019-12-23 |
Kirk Molett | Barber | 2022-11-04 | 2020-02-05 |
Korey M.S. Taylor | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2021-07-20 |
Kory Jermain Albert | Barber | 2022-11-21 | 2020-07-14 |
Kristen Kathleen Robaina | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2007-07-30 |
Kristin Lamascus | Property Tax Agent | 2022-10-22 | 2020-10-22 |
Kristine N. Mooney | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2014-01-16 |
Krystina A. Gordon | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2011-11-07 |
L' Shawn Rhodes Sr. | Barber | 2022-10-09 | 2019-12-11 |
Lamar Guerra | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2000-04-03 |
Larisa Eubank Newell | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 1999-06-25 |
Larry F. Waldman | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 1979-11-17 |
Larry R. Charles | Barber | 2022-12-29 | 2010-04-29 |
Laura A. Garcia | Barber | 2022-10-16 | 2004-02-09 |
Laura Jean Marshall | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-11-20 | 2022-08-22 |
Laurel E. Reed | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2018-04-06 |
Lauren Cecilia Taveras | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2020-02-20 |
Lauren M. Hernandez | Athletic Trainer | 2022-11-05 | 2017-11-06 |
Lauretta Marie Archuleta | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2009-08-18 |
Lawrence J. Allen | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 1978-09-05 |
Leeann Gay Rives | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2010-03-03 |
Leonel Arellano | Barber | 2022-11-18 | 2014-06-20 |
Leslie Fernanda Jimenez Terrazas | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-10-05 | 2022-07-07 |
Leticia H. Botello | Barber | 2022-10-02 | 2015-12-08 |
Linda Marie Hull | Occupational Therapist | 2022-12-13 | 1998-07-13 |
Lindie A. Spargo | Athletic Trainer | 2022-11-05 | 2008-09-09 |
Lindsay M. Tracy | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2017-08-03 |
Lindsay Marie Anderson | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2019-05-16 |
Lisa Caplan Lorence | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2019-12-31 |
Lisa M.A. Marie Rodriguez | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-13 |
Lisa Mala Burgess | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2007-02-05 |
Lissette Beltran | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2010-07-14 |
Lizbeth A. Rencher | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2001-02-01 |
Logan M. Severson | Athletic Trainer | 2022-11-11 | 2015-07-06 |
Lou Ann Behringer L.AC. | Acupuncturist | 2022-12-31 | 2000-12-20 |
Louie Novak | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2018-06-19 |
Lucero Barajas | Barber | 2022-12-27 | 2002-06-06 |
Lydia C. Creel | Assisted Living Facility Manager | 2022-11-03 | 1997-08-07 |
Lynn Ann Croteau | Occupational Therapist | 2022-11-19 | 2006-11-20 |
Lyudmila Shayevich | Barber | 2022-10-11 | 2011-12-06 |
Mahdi Hussein Serhan | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2021-08-09 |
Mandana A. Zerbib | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2016-07-26 |
Marcelo Rodriguez | Certified General Appraiser | 2022-12-31 | 2021-01-11 |
Margaret Laine-Nelson | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 1993-09-20 |
Maria Arellano | Barber | 2022-11-15 | 2004-02-26 |
Maria D. Mejia | Barber | 2022-11-17 | 2016-04-28 |
Maria I. Beltran | Barber | 2022-10-13 | 2002-04-04 |
Maria Juarez | Barber | 2022-10-24 | 2018-02-07 |
Maria Marciel | Barber | 2022-11-13 | 2020-09-30 |
Maria Valdez | Barber | 2022-12-12 | 2002-04-04 |
Mario J. Herrera | Barber Instructor | 2022-12-13 | 2004-11-19 |
Mario Lippy | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2011-10-24 |
Mario Rivera | Barber | 2022-12-30 | 2018-10-02 |
Marisela M.A. Salas | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2021-08-24 |
Mark Edward Rohde | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 1987-12-11 |
Mark H. Wright | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 1984-06-01 |
Mark James Dingeman | Registered Trainee Appraiser | 2022-10-07 | 2019-10-07 |
Mark Zalman Shobin | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2020-02-20 |
Marsha Elaine Ferrick | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2017-06-09 |
Mary Christine Oakley | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2012-08-15 |
Mason Grey Meyer | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2017-11-09 |
Mathew Morris Owens | Registered Trainee Appraiser | 2022-10-30 | 2019-10-30 |
Matthew C. Amos | Athletic Trainer | 2022-11-05 | 2017-11-06 |
Matthew Davis Borowski | Athletic Trainer | 2022-11-21 | 2020-11-22 |
Matthew J. Cottini | Certified Residential Appraiser | 2022-12-31 | 2006-12-12 |
Matthew M.A. Ryan Tapia | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2021-07-19 |
Maximiliano Savala | Barber | 2022-12-14 | 2018-07-27 |
Maykel Molina | Barber | 2022-10-02 | 2013-08-02 |
Megan Kelley | Occupational Therapist | 2022-10-16 | 2018-10-17 |
Megan Nicole Vincent | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2019-12-23 |
Melanie Shanae Spearman | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2019-06-05 |
Melinda Teresa Lyons | Occupational Therapist Limited License | 2022-10-22 | 2022-06-23 |
Melissa A. Conshue | Registered Trainee Appraiser | 2022-11-30 | 2016-11-30 |
Melissa Ann Hancock | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2019-09-30 |
Melissa Ann Yancy | Occupational Therapist | 2022-10-16 | 2016-10-17 |
Melissa Delgado-Flint | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2009-08-04 |
Melissa Garcia | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2019-09-03 |
Melissa Irene Shively | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2020-04-08 |
Mia Sara Drouin | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2016-02-22 |
Mica J. Triton L.AC. | Acupuncturist | 2022-12-31 | 2005-12-21 |
Michael Anthony Alexander | Barber | 2022-12-31 | 2020-07-14 |
Michael David Beckham | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2015-08-17 |
Michael Glenn Jones | Registered Trainee Appraiser | 2022-11-26 | 2019-11-26 |
Michael Gold | Barber | 2022-12-16 | 2017-11-07 |
Michael Holmes | Barber | 2022-10-22 | 2016-06-08 |
Michael Nektalov | Barber | 2022-10-28 | 2010-04-26 |
Michael S. Lavoie | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2003-03-18 |
Michael Terrell Bailey | Barber | 2022-10-23 | 2020-06-24 |
Michael Zatkowsky | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 1988-12-02 |
Michelle Augustyn | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2017-03-02 |
Miguel Javier Guerrero | Registered Trainee Appraiser | 2022-10-31 | 2019-10-31 |
Mikayla Rose Emmert | Occupational Therapy Assistant Limited License | 2022-12-07 | 2022-08-08 |
Mirtha O. Felix | Assisted Living Facility Manager | 2022-12-27 | 2013-06-25 |
Misael Flores Garcia | Loan Originator | 2022-12-31 | 2019-09-24 |
Mitzy Gonzalez | Barber | 2022-11-18 | 2018-04-04 |
Monica Saenz | Barber | 2022-10-23 | 2004-02-09 |
Monika C. Lukasiewicz | Occupational Therapist | 2022-12-16 | 2018-12-17 |
Mushtaq Slaiw | Barber | 2022-12-21 | 2015-12-08 |
Nanako Negome-Kapur | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2019-10-10 |
Nancy Jean Amick | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2004-05-12 |
Natalie Gonzalez | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2017-11-09 |
Natalie M. Kathrine Tucker Ed. | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2019-11-04 |
Natally Ledezma Garcia | Barber | 2022-12-03 | 2018-08-08 |
Nevan Jordan Dominguez | Athletic Trainer | 2022-11-03 | 2019-11-04 |
Nichelle Rynette Johnson-Ridgway | Assisted Living Facility Manager - Temporary | 2022-11-26 | 2022-06-29 |
Nichole K. Tucker | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2018-03-07 |
Nicole Danielle Henson | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2016-06-22 |
Nicole L. Nieset | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2015-06-15 |
Noel G. Kilgarriff | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2002-04-15 |
Norma A. Du Lac | Barber | 2022-12-31 | 2008-02-26 |
Norman Victor Bertel | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2000-02-11 |
Omar Merino | Barber | 2022-12-07 | 2017-09-12 |
Orlando Andres Pineda | Barber | 2022-12-09 | 2020-06-12 |
Orvil Lebron | Barber | 2022-11-23 | 2018-06-21 |
Patricia S. Groff | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2013-08-12 |
Patrick Allan Serbus | Athletic Trainer | 2022-10-06 | 2007-11-06 |
Paul D. Sogn | Licensed Residential Appraiser | 2022-10-31 | 2016-10-26 |
Paula Alexandra Ruta | Occupational Therapy Assistant | 2022-10-11 | 1998-10-12 |
Peter A. Suchsland | Optometrist | 2022-10-11 | 2005-09-08 |
Peter Isabel | Occupational Therapy Assistant | 2022-10-03 | 2020-10-04 |
Philip C. Barry | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 1989-03-17 |
Phoebe Nhi Luong | Optometrist | 2022-11-22 | 2021-09-13 |
Quincy Phillip Richter | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2019-07-17 |
Rachel Alanna Anderson | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2011-02-07 |
Rachel Ann Carder | Occupational Therapy Assistant | 2022-11-21 | 2020-11-22 |
Rachel Elizebeth Buerge | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-05 |
Rachel Lynn Marks | Occupational Therapist | 2022-12-09 | 2016-07-11 |
Rachel Vissichelli | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2021-09-09 |
Rafael Hernandez | Barber | 2022-11-24 | 2001-08-29 |
Rahimil M.S. Vazquez | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2021-07-28 |
Ralphael Courtney Taylor | Barber | 2022-10-25 | 2020-02-05 |
Randy J. Hurwitz | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 1977-09-23 |
Raquel K. Garci | Barber | 2022-12-22 | 2016-08-03 |
Raymond F. Hart | Barber | 2022-12-24 | 1971-05-12 |
Raymonda Davis Matheka | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2018-06-25 |
Rebecca C. Morris | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2017-03-01 |
Richard Arnold Komm | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2004-06-01 |
Richard J. Fredrick | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 1994-09-14 |
Rick Anthony Cruz Ph.D. | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2022-01-24 |
Robert A. Krzyzostaniak | Licensed Residential Appraiser | 2022-10-31 | 2008-10-24 |
Robert A. Sumner Jr. | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-10-05 | 2022-07-07 |
Robert Farr | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2002-12-09 |
Roberto Chavez-Monroy | Barber | 2022-10-12 | 2011-10-21 |
Roberto Hernandez | Barber | 2022-12-13 | 2014-02-26 |
Robin B. Dilley | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 1992-05-16 |
Robin Martin Sutton | Registered Trainee Appraiser | 2022-10-11 | 2019-10-11 |
Robyn Kim Marian | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2019-08-13 |
Rocio A. Vazquez | Barber | 2022-12-17 | 2005-11-16 |
Romeo J. Player | Barber | 2022-12-31 | 2020-07-15 |
Rosa Garcia | Barber | 2022-12-06 | 2016-08-03 |
Rosamaria Hernandez | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2010-09-01 |
Rosamaria Ramos | Barber | 2022-12-11 | 2016-03-11 |
Rose Marie Carlson | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 1980-05-24 |
Rosemary Winchester | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2013-03-12 |
Ross A. Cohen | Barber | 2022-12-04 | 2014-08-07 |
Ruchi Jayesh Patel | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2020-01-15 |
Russell W. Buford Ph.D. | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2020-12-02 |
Sabino Duarte Quitalib | Assisted Living Facility Manager | 2022-12-16 | 2020-08-18 |
Samantha E. Davis | Barber Instructor | 2022-11-29 | 2001-08-23 |
Samantha Rae March | Occupational Therapist | 2022-11-19 | 2020-11-20 |
Samantha Rodriguez | Barber | 2022-12-01 | 2018-08-09 |
Samantha Zavala | Barber | 2022-11-26 | 2020-02-05 |
Samuel Flores | Barber | 2022-10-12 | 2015-10-08 |
Samuel Puentes | Barber | 2022-12-29 | 2018-08-08 |
Saparmurat Muhiyev | Barber | 2022-12-27 | 2018-06-21 |
Sara Wettstein | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-10-05 | 2022-07-07 |
Sarah Anne Duarte | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2014-08-05 |
Sarah I. Guinea | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2019-12-23 |
Sarah P. Teasley | Occupational Therapy Assistant | 2022-12-13 | 1998-12-14 |
Sasha Verdugo | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2016-07-12 |
Sean C. McDevitt | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 1980-05-24 |
Sergey Iskhakov | Barber | 2022-11-13 | 2020-03-12 |
Shane Thomas Hunt | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 1999-11-24 |
Sharmayne Hardy | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-11-27 | 2022-08-29 |
Shaunacy Ray | Barber | 2022-12-27 | 2018-04-04 |
Shelley Nichole Gracey | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-11-03 | 2022-08-05 |
Shlomo Pinhasov | Barber | 2022-10-31 | 2004-04-12 |
Skylarr Shurn | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2022-02-11 |
Sonya K. Bettendorf | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2013-09-13 |
Stefan Lee Bailey | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-10-22 | 2022-07-24 |
Stefanie M. Kool | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2010-09-08 |
Stephanie A. Little | Barber | 2022-10-19 | 2004-06-11 |
Stephanie L. Dinner | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 2017-08-18 |
Stephanie Lynn Pool | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2016-03-14 |
Stephen John Anthony | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 1977-05-14 |
Steven Bryce Bennett | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2017-10-16 |
Steven O. Moldin Ph.D. | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2020-11-19 |
Surabhi Yeshwant Patwardhan | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2013-11-13 |
Susan M. Rumble | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2010-06-07 |
Suzanne O'Connor | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 2017-05-08 |
Tanya Michelle | Acupuncturist | 2022-10-31 | 2020-10-15 |
Tara Goldstein | Occupational Therapist | 2022-10-16 | 2018-10-17 |
Tasneem Doctor | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2007-10-18 |
Taylor Lynn Bibb | Behavior Analyst | 2022-10-31 | 2018-04-22 |
Teia Whetstone | Assisted Living Facility Manager - Temporary | 2022-12-01 | 2022-08-29 |
Teresa Lyn Gallenstein | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 1990-01-26 |
Tess M.S. Neal | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2015-06-15 |
Theodore W. Etling | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2011-07-13 |
Thomas Andrew Richards | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 1991-12-06 |
Thomas E. Rader II | Licensed Residential Appraiser | 2022-12-31 | 2014-12-15 |
Thomas J. Selby | Psychologist | 2022-10-31 | 1989-11-17 |
Tiffany Brynn Becker | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2011-10-25 |
Timothy Jeremy Simon | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2020-08-05 |
Timothy S. O'Donnell | Certified Residential Appraiser | 2022-11-30 | 1992-11-10 |
Timur Tayfurov | Barber | 2022-12-22 | 2015-10-27 |
Tod A. Roy | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2016-12-16 |
Travis Bertrand Bell Jr. | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2020-01-06 |
Tyshawn Torrence | Barber | 2022-11-02 | 2015-04-10 |
Vadim Musaelyants | Barber | 2022-10-02 | 2006-03-06 |
Valeria Isabella Armendariz | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2017-12-31 |
Valerie Ann Kemper | Psychologist | 2022-11-30 | 1999-10-12 |
Valerie M. Smith Ed. | Behavior Analyst | 2022-12-31 | 2018-07-31 |
Vanessa Martin | Behavior Analyst | 2022-11-30 | 2020-01-21 |
Venessa Lascano | Barber | 2022-11-16 | 2020-06-24 |
Veronica Castro | Barber | 2022-12-17 | 2003-12-05 |
Victor S. Cheng Jr. | Dispensing Optician | 2022-12-31 | 2013-09-10 |
Vilma L. Digilio | Occupational Therapy Assistant | 2022-12-12 | 2020-12-13 |
Violeta Sadoian | Barber | 2022-11-13 | 2012-06-06 |
Viridiana Botello | Barber | 2022-11-11 | 2015-12-08 |
Wade D. Stephens | Certified General Appraiser | 2022-10-31 | 1991-10-10 |
Wakana Maeta | Athletic Trainer Temporary License | 2022-10-05 | 2022-07-07 |
William N. Garcia | Barber | 2022-11-24 | 1985-04-05 |
Xiangzhen He | Property Tax Agent | 2022-12-30 | 2020-12-30 |
Yan Iskhakov | Barber | 2022-11-18 | 2018-10-18 |
Yazmin Delamora | Barber | 2022-12-29 | 2006-06-29 |
Yessica J. Payan Valenzuela | Registered Trainee Appraiser | 2022-10-18 | 2019-10-18 |
Yolanda Lynne Hobbs | Psychologist | 2022-12-31 | 2019-11-05 |
Yousif Behnam | Barber | 2022-10-11 | 2017-12-13 |
Yukhay Ilyaich | Barber | 2022-10-07 | 2007-08-10 |
Yunsil K. Fortini L.AC. | Acupuncturist | 2022-12-31 | 2005-12-21 |
Zakkary T. Tokash | Barber | 2022-12-04 | 2014-02-26 |
1 Touch Processing, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-29 |
20 Days or Less Mortgage, PLLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-08 |
24/7 MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-15 |
24/7 MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-15 |
360 LOAN, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-24 |
360 LOAN, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-05 |
36money, LLC | Money Transmitter | 2022-11-01 | 2018-10-01 |
3Point4Processing, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-13 |
A & N Mortgage Services, Inc., Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-11 |
AAA Capital Investment, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-25 |
Academy Mortgage Corporation, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-21 |
Account Recovery Services, Inc. | Collection Agency | 2022-12-31 | 2007-02-01 |
Ace Money Services | Money Transmitter | 2022-11-01 | 2021-10-05 |
Activus Corporation, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-28 |
Adaxa, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-28 |
AdvantageFirst Lending, Inc., Glendale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-15 |
Affinity Group Mortgage of Ohio, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-11-26 |
AK Bell, Inc.Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-20 |
ALAMEDA MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-25 |
Alfacorp, LLC | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-18 |
All Square Mortgage, Inc.Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-07 |
All Western Mortgage, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-10 |
Aloha Capital, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Commercial Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-11 |
Alternative Lending Group, LLCScottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-05 |
Amcap Mortgage, Ltd., Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-06 |
American Financial Network, Inc., Glendale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-27 |
American Financial Network, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-15 |
American Financial Network, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-03 |
American Financial Network, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-03 |
American Financing Corporation, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-14 |
American Financing Corporation, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-16 |
American Ken, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-05 |
American National Mortgage Funding, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-29 |
American Pacific Mortgage Corporation, Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-16 |
American Pacific Mortgage Corporation, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-16 |
American Pacific Mortgage Corporation, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-03-01 |
American Pacific Mortgage Corporation, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2020-11-25 |
American Pacific Mortgage Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-29 |
American Pacific Mortgage Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-16 |
American Pacific Mortgage Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-05 |
American Pacific Mortgage Corporation, Surprise, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-03 |
AmeriCapital, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-15 |
AmeriFirst Financial Corporation, Avondale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-05 |
AmeriFirst Financial Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-20 |
Amerifund Home Loans, Inc.Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-21 |
Amerisave Mortgage Corporation, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-16 |
Amerisave Mortgage Corporation, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-16 |
Amerisave Mortgage Corporation, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-20 |
Amerisave Mortgage Corporation, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-20 |
Amerisave Mortgage Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-02 |
Amerisave Mortgage Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-02 |
Ameritrust Mortgage Corporation, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-12 |
AML Funding, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-25 |
AML Funding, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-25 |
Anchor Funding, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-10 |
ANLO Capital, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-30 |
Answer Home Loans, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-04 |
Arbor Realty SR, Inc.Gilbert, AZ Branch | Commercial Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-27 |
Archwest Funding, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Commercial Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-10 |
Archwest Funding, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-22 |
Aslan Home Lending Corporation, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-17 |
Astar Home Capital, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-28 |
Atlantic Home Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-04 |
Augusta Financial, Inc., Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-14 |
Aven Financial, Inc., Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-09 |
Avid Mortgage Solutions, Inc., Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-01 |
Axia Financial, LLCChandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-02 |
AZ Dream Estates, CORP | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-13 |
AZ Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-02 |
Azure Processing, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-17 |
Azuza, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-07 |
Barrett Financial Group, L.L.C. | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-11 |
Barrett Financial Group, L.L.C., Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-27 |
Barrett Financial Group, L.L.C., Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-20 |
Barrett Financial Group, L.L.C., Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-13 |
Bayview Loans, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-14 |
Bayview Residential Brokerage, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-21 |
Bellco Home Loans, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-23 |
Best Capital Funding, Tempe, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-06 |
Best Rate Home Loans, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-20 |
Better Lending, LLC, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-28 |, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-10 |
Bison Ventures, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-16 |
Bison Ventures, LLCPhoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-25 |
Black Belt Funding, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-13 |
Blackdot Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-22 |
Blinkhorn Consulting, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-20 |
BM Real Estate Services, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-23 |
Breeze Funding, Inc.Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-17 |
Bright Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-30 |
Broker Solutions, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-02 |
Broker Solutions, Inc., Tempe, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-19 |
BRP Home Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-25 |
Button Finance, Inc., Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-21 |
C&F MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-12 |
C2 Financial Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Commercial Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-05 |
CA Lending Solutions, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-31 |
Cabaka Mortgage Corporation | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-02 |
Caliber Home Loans, Inc., Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-06-02 |
Caliber Home Loans, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-01 |
Caliber Home Loans, Inc., Tempe, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-12 |
Calvary Chapel University | Accredited Vocational and Degree | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-29 |
Canopy Mortgage, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-09 |
Canopy Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-19 |
Capital Direct Financial Corporation | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-19 |
Capital Home Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-04 |
Capital Partners Mortgage, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-13 |
Capital Partners Mortgage, LLC, Tempe, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-30 |
Carrington College - Trade Education Center | Accredited Vocational and Degree | 2022-12-31 | 2020-06-26 |
Castle & Cooke Mortgage, LLCChandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-01 |
Cedar States Lending, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-18 |
Celebrity Home Loans, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2020-02-24 |
Celebrity Home Loans, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2020-09-09 |
Celebrity Home Loans, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2020-09-03 |
Celebrity Home Loans, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2020-03-24 |
Centerpiece Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-11 |
Champions Funding, LLC | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-08 |
Chicago Mortgage Solutions, LLC, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-01 |
Chicago Mortgage Solutions, LLC, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-01 |
CITADEL SERVICING CORPORATION, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-14 |
CITADEL SERVICING CORPORATION, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-14 |
Clarity Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-16 |
Clear 2 Close Mortgage Processing, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-14 |
Clear 2 Close Mortgage, LLCGoodyear, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-28 |
Clear Mortgage Capital, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-30 |
CMG Mortgage, Inc., Avondale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-15 |
CMG Mortgage, Inc., Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-22 |
CMG Mortgage, Inc., Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-15 |
CMG Mortgage, Inc., Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-15 |
CMG Mortgage, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-07 |
CMG Mortgage, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-15 |
CMG Mortgage, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-15 |
CMG Mortgage, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-11 |
CMG Mortgage, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-15 |
CMG Mortgage, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-15 |
CMG Mortgage, Inc., Tempe, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-15 |
CMG Mortgage, Inc., Tempe, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-21 |
Coastal Capital Funding, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-09 |
Colten Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2019-11-15 |
Commercial Capital Funding Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-18 |
Connect Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-06 |
Construction Loan Services II, LLCFountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-01 |
Consumer Auto Services, LLC | Collection Agency | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-25 |
Consumers Unified, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-25 |
Contour Mortgage Corporation, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-27 |
Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc.Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Counsel Mortgage Group, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-24 |
CPLC Home Lending, LLC | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-20 |
Credence Funding Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-24 |
CrossCountry Mortgage, LLC, Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-03 |
CrossCountry Mortgage, LLC, Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2020-10-30 |
CrossCountry Mortgage, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-21 |
CrossCountry Mortgage, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-11 |
CrossCountry Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-12 |
CrossCountry Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-30 |
CrossCountry Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-14 |
CrossCountry Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-18 |
Crown Mortgage of the West, LLC, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-01 |
DAS Acquisition Company, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-30 |
Dasfc, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-04 |
Dasfc, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-31 |
Dasfc, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-31 |
Define Mortgage Solutions, LLC, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-29 |
Delmar Financial Company, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-29 |
Desert Mountain Financial, Inc. | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2019-01-23 |
Desert Rose Lending, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-19 |
DHI Mortgage Company, Ltd., Buckeye, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-05 |
DHI Mortgage Company, Ltd., Surprise, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-05 |
Directors Mortgage, Inc., Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-16 |
Directors Mortgage, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-30 |
Diversified Commercial Capital, LLC | Commercial Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-02 |
Divvy Home Loans, LLCFountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-15 |
Docapply, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-13 |
Dolex Dollar Express, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Money Transmitter | 2022-11-01 | 2021-11-04 |
Double J, Inc., Anthem, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-09 |
Durus Home Loans, Inc., Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-10 |
DynAMC Solutions, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-10 |
Easy Financing, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-25 |
Easy Street Capital, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-16 |
Eclipse Home Finance, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-13 |
Efinity Financial, Inc.Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-12 |
Elevated Home Loans, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-25 |
Elevated Home Loans, LLC | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-05 |
Elevated Mortgage, LLC, Buckeye, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-12 |
Ellie Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-15 |
Emet Lending Group, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-11 |
Emet Lending Group, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-11 |
Emet Lending Group, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-11 |
EMM Loans, LLC, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-14 |
Emporium TPO, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-11 |
Ennkar, Inc., Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-25 |
Equiant Financial Services, Inc. | Collection Agency | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-19 |
Equity Home Lending, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-29 |
Equity Home Lending, LLC | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-25 |
Everett Financial, Inc., Goodyear, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-01 |
EVO Home Loans, LLC, scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-09 |
Ewu Lending, LLC | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-27 |
Excel Realty & Mortgage, Inc., Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-18 |
Extreme Loans, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-28 |
EZ Mortgage Processing, LLCPhoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-28 |
FAIRWAY ASSET CORPORATION, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-20 |
Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-19 |
Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-24 |
Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-21 |
Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-28 |
Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-27 |
Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-13 |
Family Financial, Inc. | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-19 |
Family First Funding, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-04 |
Family Mortgage Phoenix, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-17 |
Federal First Lending, LLC | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-16 |
Fin Care US, LLC | Collection Agency | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-09 |
First Alliance Home Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2019-11-22 |
First Class Mortgage II, Inc.Buckeye, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-23 |
First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-27 |
First National Financing, Inc.Glendale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-29 |
First USA Lending Services, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-16 |
Flat Branch Mortgage, Inc.Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-04 |
Flatiron Realty Capital, LLCFountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-14 |
Flyhomes Mortgage, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-17 |
Flyhomes Mortgage, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-25 |
FMHL, LLCScottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-08 |
Forever American Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-07 |
Formula Mortgage Capital Corporation | Commercial Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-21 |
Fortune Mortgage Company, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-18 |
Foundation Home Finance, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-01 |
Fox Valley Mutual, Inc.Buckeye, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-16 |
Fraction Lending US, Inc.Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-02 |
Free & Clear, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-04 |
Full Circle Home Loans, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-17 |
Geneva Financial, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-22 |
Geneva Financial, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-05 |
Gezellig Financial, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-28 |
Go Rascal, Inc.Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-12 |
Golden Empire Mortgage, Inc., Buckeye, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-12 |
Golden Empire Mortgage, Inc., Buckeye, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-20 |
Golden Empire Mortgage, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-11 |
Golden Empire Mortgage, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-14 |
Golden Rule Home Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-15 |
Googain, Inc.Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-08 |
Greenkey Financial, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-14 |
Greenlights Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-21 |
Griffin Funding, Inc., Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-25 |
Groves Capital, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-04 |
Groves Capital, Inc.Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-11 |
Guaranteed Rate Affinity, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-26 |
Guaranteed Rate, Inc., Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-06 |
Guaranteed Rate, Inc., Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-10 |
Guaranteed Rate, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-22 |
Guaranteed Rate, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-10 |
Guaranteed Rate, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-06 |
H D Lending, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-15 |
Hancock Processing, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-22 |
Haus Real Estate Brokerage, Inc., Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-22 |
Heartland Mortgage Processing, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-20 |
HelloLend, Inc. | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-16 |
Hero Mortgage Processing, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-19 |
Home Force Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-22 |
HOME MORTGAGE ALLIANCE CORPORATION, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-08-18 |
HOME MORTGAGE ALLIANCE CORPORATION, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-28 |
HOME MORTGAGE ALLIANCE CORPORATION, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-29 |
HOME MORTGAGE ALLIANCE CORPORATION, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2016-08-04 |
HOME MORTGAGE ALLIANCE CORPORATION, Glendale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-27 |
Home Run Home Loans, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-10 |
Home USA Mortgage, Inc.Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-04-21 |
HomeBridge Financial Services, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-05 |
Homestar Financial Corporation, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-16 |
Homestar Financial Corporation, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-18 |
Homestar Financial Corporation, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-18 |
Hudson Shine Capital, Inc., Buckeye, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-11 |
Iconic Rate, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-03 |
iCore Lending, Inc., Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-30 |
iCore Lending, Inc.Tolleson, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-11 |
iLOANS USA, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-28 |
Innovative Capital Commercial, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-01 |
Inspiro Financial, LLCFountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-30 |
Interest Mortgage, L.L.C.Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-27 |
InterLinc Mortgage Services, LLCChandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-05 |
Investor Mortgage Finance, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-07 |
JCM Lending, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-08 |
Jet Direct Funding, Gilbert, AZ Branch, CORP. | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-05 |
Joseph Dio Holdings, Inc.Buckeye, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-21 |
Joshua Lee Glaz, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-15 |
Keller Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-15 |
Keller Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-15 |
Key Mortgage Services, Inc.Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-12 |
Keystone Financial Services, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2020-07-06 |
Keystone Funding, Inc., Surprise, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-17 |
Kinfolk Home Loans, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-04 |
Ktesius Realty Corporation, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-17 |
Landed Home Loans, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-07 |
Learsi Capital, LLC | Commercial Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-14 |
Legend Lending Corporation, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-10 |
Lend18, Mesa, AZ Branch, CORP. | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-04 |
Lendage, LLC, Tempe, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-09 |
Lendage, LLC, Tempe, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-09 |
Lender Express Mortgage, LLC, Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-14 |
Lender Express Mortgage, LLC, Glendale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-25 |
Lender Labs, LLCPhoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-14 |
Lending Force, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-18 |
Lending Force, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-10 |
LendSure Mortgage Corporation, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-21 |
Lima One Capital, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-24 |
Lime Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2018-07-11 |
Linked Home Loans, LLCChandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-08 |
Lionshare Mortgage Group, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-07 |
Loan Advisor Group, Inc.Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-08 |
Local Home Loans, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-14 |
Local Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-20 |
Lockit Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Loessberg Investments, Inc. | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-10 |
Longbridge Financial, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-09 |
Loomis Home Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-22 |
Lotus Financial Network, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-20 |
Luneta Home Loans, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-28 |
Maestro, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-09 |
Mann Mortgage, LLCScottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-28 |
Martell Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-27 |
MECM Capital Corporation, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-20 |
Milo Credit, LLCGilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-28 |
Mission Loans, LLCScottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-03 |
Mission San Jose Mortgage, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-27 |
ML Mortgage Corporation, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-17 |
MLD Mortgage, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
MNM Mortgage, LLC. | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-25 |
Modern Mortgage Lending, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-17 |
Mortgage Beacon, L.L.C. | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-05 |
Mortgage Capital Partners, Inc., Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-22 |
Mortgage Express, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-25 |
Mortgage Express, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-29 |
Mortgage Moneyline, Inc.Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-01 |
Mortgage Partners of Texas, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-26 |
Mortgage Pro Shops, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-10 |
Mortgage Research Center, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2011-10-13 |
Mortgage Research Center, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2016-01-13 |
Mortgage Research Center, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2016-01-14 |
Mortgage Research Center, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2016-04-22 |
Mortgage Solutions Group, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-20 |
Mortgage Solutions of Colorado, LLCScottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-17 |
MortgageOne, Inc., Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-15 |
MortgageOne, Inc., Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-22 |
MortgageOne, Inc., Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-22 |
Mountain to Desert Mortgage, LLCChandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-09 |
Mountain View Mortgage, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-22 |
MPossible Mortgage Group, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
MVP Home Loans, LLC | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-17 |
My Reverse Team, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-22 |
Mycitylender, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-29 |
National Lending Group, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-18 |
National Mortgage Home Loans, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-16 |
Nations Capital Services, Inc.Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-03 |
NATIONS LENDING CORPORATION, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-02 |
NATIONS LENDING CORPORATION, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-02 |
NATIONS LENDING CORPORATION, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-02 |
Nations Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-27 |
Nations Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-03 |
Nations Reliable Lending, LLC, Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-20 |
Nations Reliable Lending, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-10 |
Nationwide Home Loans, Inc., Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-09 |
Neighborhood Mortgage, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-17 |
Nest Home Financing, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-25 |
Newland Mortgage, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-14 |
NewMortgage, LLC | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-30 |
NewPoint Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-22 |
NewPoint Real Estate Strategies Lending, LLCFountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-19 |
NewRez, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-13 |
NewRez, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-13 |
NEXA Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-22 |
NEXA Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-27 |
NEXA Mortgage, LLC, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-10 |
NEXA Mortgage, LLC, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-12 |
NEXA Mortgage, LLC, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-07 |
NEXA Mortgage, LLC, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-22 |
NEXA Mortgage, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-11 |
NEXA Mortgage, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-23 |
NEXA Mortgage, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-21 |
NEXA Mortgage, LLC, Tempe, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-11 |
NexGenT, Inc. | Non-Accredited Vocational | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-28 |
NFM, Inc., Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-26 |
NFM, Inc., Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-25 |
NFM, Inc., Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-25 |
NHC Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-08 |
Nimble Home Loans, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-29 |
NMSI, Inc., Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-29 |
Northstar Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-29 |
Northwest Funding Group, Inc., Litchfield Park, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2014-01-09 |
Northwest Funding Group, Inc.Goodyear, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-09 |
O C Home Loans, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-07 |
O1ne Mortgage, Inc.Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-19 |
O2 Mortgage, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-12 |
Oasis Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-14 |
OCMBC, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-25 |
Ocwen Financial Solutions Private Limited, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-27 |
OfferPad Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-13 |
OL Financial, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-05 |
OnY Glo, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-27 |
Orange Circle International, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-28 |
Orchard Home Loans, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-27 |
Orchard Mortgage, LLCFountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-29 |
Order Express, Inc., Avondale, AZ106 | Money Transmitter | 2022-11-01 | 2022-04-20 |
Order Express, Inc., Glendale, AZ103 | Money Transmitter | 2022-11-01 | 2022-04-20 |
Order Express, Inc., Phoenix, AZ005 | Money Transmitter | 2022-11-01 | 2022-04-20 |
Order Express, Inc., Phoenix, AZ102 | Money Transmitter | 2022-11-01 | 2022-04-20 |
OriginPoint, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-10 |
Our Community Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-12 |
Pacific Elite Mortgage, LLCScottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-29 |
Pacific Financial Group, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-28 |
Pacific Private Money, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-07 |
Pacific Residential Mortgage, LLC, Surprise, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-04 |
Panorama Mortgage Group, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-14 |
Panorama Mortgage Group, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-21 |
Panorama Mortgage Group, LLCPhoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-04 |
Park Place Home Mortgage, Scottsdale, AZ Branch, CORP | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-27 |
Peak Residential Lending, LLC | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-22 |
Peak Residential, LLCFountain Hills, AZ Branch | Commercial Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-05 |
Personal RE Services, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-12 |
PHH Mortgage Corporation, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-14 |
PHH Mortgage Corporation, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-04 |
PHH Mortgage Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-17 |
Phlebotomy Training Specialists - Mesa | Non-Accredited Vocational | 2022-12-31 | 2021-03-16 |
Phoenix Computer Academy | Non-Accredited Vocational | 2022-12-31 | 2009-10-22 |
Phoenix Dental Assistant School - Mesa AZ | Non-Accredited Vocational | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-04 |
Phoenix Elite Group, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-06 |
Phoenix Elite Processing, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-22 |
Phoenix Lending Group, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-30 |
Pinnacle Funding & Investment Group, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-02 |
Plus Relocation Mortgage, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-22 |
POINT MORTGAGE CORPORATION, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-09 |
Polbanc Group, Inc., Goodyear, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-29 |
Premier Family Mortgage, LLCScottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-14 |
Premier Lending, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-05 |
Premier Processing, LLCCave Creek, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-05 |
Premier Reverse Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-29 |
Prime Broker Loans, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-11 |
PrimeLending, A PlainsCapital Company, Glendale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-28 |
PrimeLending, A PlainsCapital Company, Glendale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-23 |
Primerica Mortgage, LLC, GILBERT, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-24 |
Primerica Mortgage, LLC, GLENDALE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-24 |
Primerica Mortgage, LLC, GOODYEAR, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-30 |
Primerica Mortgage, LLC, MESA, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-25 |
Primerica Mortgage, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-01 |
Primerica Mortgage, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-24 |
Primerica Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-25 |
Primerica Mortgage, LLC, SURPRISE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-25 |
Primerica Mortgage, LLC, Tempe, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-21 |
Priority Home Lending, LLCGoodyear, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-08 |
Pro Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-07 |
Proactive Home Loans, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-07 |
Progress Lending, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-25 |
Prosperity Home Mortgage, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-14 |
Prosperity Home Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-12 |
Prosperity Home Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-27 |
Prosperity Home Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-20 |
Pryme Capital Real Estate Group, Inc., Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-07 |
Pulse Processing, LLCFountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-29 |
Purpose Institute | Non-Accredited Vocational and Degree | 2022-12-31 | 2021-11-01 |
Quicker Loans, LLC | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-22 |
Raley & Rice, LLC | Collection Agency | 2022-12-31 | 2018-08-22 |
Rapid Mortgage Funding, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-14 |
Rate Rabbit, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-22 |
Rate Simple, Inc.Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-22 |
Real Genius, LLCPhoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-24 |
ResiCentral, LLCPhoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-28 |
Resilient Healthcare Academy, LLC | Non-Accredited Vocational | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-28 |
ResMac, Inc., Surprise, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-08 |
Respite Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-05 |
Revolution Realty Capital, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-28 |
Right Key Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-25 |
Right Side Up Lending, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-07 |
Right Start Mortgage, Inc.Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-21 |
RMI Brokers, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-27 |
Royal Pacific Funding Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-03 |
RSF Social Investment Fund, Inc.Tempe, AZ Branch | Commercial Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-21 |
Sauer Capital, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-28 |
SCDS, Inc., Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-29 |
Scottsdale Community Bank | Bank | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-10 |
Security Home Mortgage, LLC.Glendale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-27 |
SecurityNational Mortgage Company, Goodyear, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
SecurityNational Mortgage Company, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-11 |
Sensibly Home Loans, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-01 |
Shady Pines Enterprises, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2020-12-07 |
Shield Home Loans, Inc.Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-20 |
Shop Home Loans, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-21 |
Sierra Health Services, Inc. | Collection Agency | 2022-12-31 | 2000-02-22 |
Silver Hill Funding, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-13 |
Silver Rock Financial, LLCAvondale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-18 |
SimpliFi Mortgage, LLCMesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-01 |
Skyline Capital Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-15 |
Smart Mortgage Centers, Inc.Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-11 |
Smartfi Home Loans, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-26 |
Southwest Funding, LP, Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-14 |
Southwest Funding, LP, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-16 |
Sprout Mortgage, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-12 |
Stel Capital, LLC | Commercial Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-22 |
Stone Bridge Mortgage, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-10 |
Stratec, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-08 |
Stratec, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-08 |
Stratec, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-21 |
Stratec, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-22 |
Streamline 1002, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-04 |
Stronghill Capital, LLCPhoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-24 |
Success Lending, LLC, Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-19 |
Success Lending, LLC, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-30 |
Success Mortgage Partners, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-01 |
Success Mortgage Partners, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-04 |
Success Mortgage Partners, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-04 |
Summit Mortgage Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-10 |
Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc., Avondale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-08 |
Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc., Avondale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-08 |
Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc.Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-19 |
Superior Coding Academy | Non-Accredited Vocational | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-28 |
Tactical Home Loans, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-11-08 |
TAM Lending Center, Inc.Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-27 |
The Home Loan Company, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2020-05-13 |
The Mint Capital, Inc., Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-22 |
The Money House, Inc.Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-02 |
The Mortgage Firm, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-08 |
The Mortgage Group, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-13 |
The Mortgage Link, Inc., Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-08 |
The Original Phoenix Broker, Inc. | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-16 |
The Valley Lending, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-16 |
The Westlawn Mortgage Company, L.L.C.Tempe, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-22 |
Tiger Home Loans, PLLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-24 |
Titan Mutual Lending, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-02 |
TJC Mortgage, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-15 |
TJC Mortgage, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-09-15 |
TMG Realty, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-27 |
TouchPay Holdings, LLC, Avondale, AZ Branch | Money Transmitter | 2022-11-01 | 2020-08-17 |
TouchPay Holdings, LLC, Chandler, AZ Branch | Money Transmitter | 2022-11-01 | 2020-08-18 |
TouchPay Holdings, LLC, Mesa, AZ Branch | Money Transmitter | 2022-11-01 | 2020-08-18 |
TouchPay Holdings, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Money Transmitter | 2022-11-01 | 2020-10-09 |
TouchPay Holdings, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Money Transmitter | 2022-11-01 | 2020-08-18 |
TouchPay Holdings, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Money Transmitter | 2022-11-01 | 2020-08-18 |
TouchPay Holdings, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Money Transmitter | 2022-11-01 | 2020-08-18 |
TouchPay Holdings, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Money Transmitter | 2022-11-01 | 2020-08-17 |
TouchPay Holdings, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Money Transmitter | 2022-11-01 | 2020-08-17 |
TouchPay Holdings, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Money Transmitter | 2022-11-01 | 2020-08-17 |
Town Square Mortgage & Investments, LLCFountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-31 |
Town Square Mortgage & Investments, LLCFountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-26 |
Town Square Mortgage & Investments, LLCFountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-07 |
TPH ZeroDown Brokerage, Inc. | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-15 |
Tradition Mortgage, LLCScottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-16 |
Transition Mortgage, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-02 |
Trinity Home Loans, LLCFountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-11 |
TriStar Finance, Inc.Buckeye, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-10-27 |
Truss Financial Group, LLCFountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-16 |
Turn Key Mortgage, Inc., Goodyear, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-04-28 |
United Home Loans, Inc., Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-10 |
United Lending Partners, Inc., Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-24 |
Unity Home Loans, LLCGilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-30 |
Unity Processing, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-12-08 |
Universal Mortgage and Lending, Inc. | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 1999-08-12 |
V. I. P. Mortgage, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-20 |
Valley Vantage Realty, Inc. | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-02-22 |
Van Dyk Mortgage Corporation, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-09-28 |
Vellum Mortgage, Inc., Fountain Hills, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-05-19 |
Veritas Funding, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-01-07 |
Victorian Finance, LLC, Gilbert, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-22 |
Victorian Finance, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-10 |
Wall Street Mortgage Bankers, Ltd.Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Banker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-02 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Chandler, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, GILBERT, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, GILBERT, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, GILBERT, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, GILBERT, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, MESA, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, MESA, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, MESA, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, MESA, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, MESA, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, MESA, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, MESA, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, MESA, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, MESA, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, MESA, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, MESA, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-27 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-27 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-27 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-27 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-27 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-27 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-27 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-02 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, PHOENIX, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-18 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, SCOTTSDALE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-27 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, SCOTTSDALE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-27 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, SCOTTSDALE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-27 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, SCOTTSDALE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-27 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, SCOTTSDALE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-27 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, SCOTTSDALE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, SCOTTSDALE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, SCOTTSDALE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, SCOTTSDALE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Surprise, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-01 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Surprise, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Surprise, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Surprise, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Tempe, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Tempe, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Tempe, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLCANTHEM, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLCAVONDALE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLCBUCKEYE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLCCAVE CREEK, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLCFOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-27 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLCGLENDALE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-07-27 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLCGLENDALE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-02 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLCGLENDALE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLCGLENDALE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLCGLENDALE, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLCGOODYEAR, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLCGOODYEAR, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLCGOODYEAR, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-09 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLCSUN CITY WEST, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-03 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLCSUN CITY, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-02 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLCSUN CITY, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-02 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLCSUN CITY, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-02 |
West Valley Finance, LLC | Commercial Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-08-05 |
Willow Processing, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2020-05-15 |
X2 Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-10-13 |
Xcapital, Inc., Mesa, AZ Branch | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-03-02 |
Zetta Mortgage, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2022-06-01 |
Zoom Loans, LLC | Mortgage Broker | 2022-12-31 | 2021-12-13 |
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